THIS FRIDAY is Sports Carnival and Fun Run Day

24 March 2022

Our much awaited Annual Sports Carnival and School Fun Run is just a few days away and will be happening this Friday, 25 March on our sports grounds.

THIS FRIDAY is Sports Carnival and Fun Run Day

Reigning champion House Marwa (Yellow) will need YOUR cheerleading support to defend the trophy as surely Houses Arafat (Blue), Mina (Green) and Safa (Red) will attempt to bring the trophy home instead this time around.

Please encourage your child/children to come dressed in their house colour – and help cheer them on by coming on site wearing the same colour attire for the day.

With mild weather around 23 degrees being forecasted for this Friday, it’s going to be an awesome event not to be missed! We look forward to seeing our community come together for a fun and action-filled day ahead.

  • Daniel Saleh Head of Health and PE Daniel Saleh Send email Read profile

    Daniel Saleh

    Daniel Saleh

    Head of Health and PE

    Daniel Saleh studied Physical Education/ Health at RMIT for 5 years. His interests are being physically active, eating nutritious foods, exploring new sites and learning new things.

    Daniel joined Al Siraat Collage in 2012 and has established our Physical Education department. He organised sports days, fundraisers, walk/ride to school days, inviting famous sporting players to Al Siraat and getting involved in interschool sports. He has also started an after school soccer program called "One Ummah, Soccer Academy of Excellence".

    He is enthusiastic, energetic, competitive, and a caring and respectful teacher. Daniel promotes appreciation of school among students and to take Physical Education as a privilege of learning in a fun and practical way. The goals, which he strives towards, are to pass on his knowledge to future generations so they can use and apply what they have learnt in school and the future.

    When Daniel was at High School, his Physical Education teacher was very highly respected by all students, parents and teachers, and was a great role model, which influenced him to become a Physical Education teacher himself. Creating a safe and positive environment for students to enjoy school and encourage them to always try their best at anything they do is a goal that he will try to accomplish to the best of his ability.

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