School Community Prayed for Rain

13 January 2020

On last Friday, 10 January 2020, the Al Siraat and wider community gathered outside in the sports oval after the weekly Jummah to pray for much needed, drought breaking rain in the bushfire ravaged areas across Australia.

School Community Prayed for Rain

The special prayer for rain is a well established sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). During the time of drought, he used to take his companions to the field and perform Salatul Istisqa, the prayer for rain.

Thank you to everyone who came along. Thank you as well to Ms Farzaneh Dehghan and the Whittlesea Interfaith Network (WIN) for attending this special community prayer alongside us.

  • Sheikh Waseem Khan College ImamYear 7 Hifz Homegroup Teacher Sheikh Waseem Khan

    Sheikh Waseem Khan

    Sheikh Waseem Khan

    College ImamYear 7 Hifz Homegroup Teacher