Good Turnout at Saturday’s Hifz Meet and Greet Session

14 February 2024

Our Hifz Department hosted a Meet and Greet session for parents on Saturday, 10th February 2024 where parents had the opportunity to hear directly from their child/children’s Hifz teachers as well as Principal Mr Fazeel Arain and Sheikh Waseem and ask questions.

Good Turnout at Saturday’s Hifz Meet and Greet Session

The sessions commenced with a warm welcome to all by Ustadha Hafsa who was also the MC for the duration of the Meet and Greet. Parents were treated to a beautiful Qur'an recitation by Mufti Muhammad Ishaq, followed by a talk from Sheikh Waseem who guided the parents through the syllabus of our esteemed Al Siraat Hifz Program in detail. College Principal Mr Fazeel concluded the session.

Parents then had the opportunity to sit with their child/children’s Hifz teachers to hear and discuss about their academic progress on a face to face basis.

JazakAllah khairan to all the parents who made time on their Saturday morning to attend this informative session.

  • Hafsa Hanif Ilm & Hifz Administration OfficerIlm Religious Teacher Hafsa Hanif

    Hafsa Hanif

    Hafsa Hanif

    Ilm & Hifz Administration OfficerIlm Religious Teacher