Year 8 Boys Camp

21 July 2022

Our Secondary Year 8 boys experienced a few days away at Camp Kangaroobie, which is situated near the Great Ocean Road.

From the moment they arrived at camp, the teachers and students spared no time and were off to explore Loch Ard Gorge where they witnessed fascinating views and a plethora of natural rock formations such as Razorback and the Island Arch. The students were more than happy to pose for a lot of group photos and spent time at the Gorge. As is with all camps, the boys took their time getting to bed, and by the morning almost no one had gotten any sleep, but the teachers refused to allow the students to sleep in as there was more fun to be had.

The second day was more jam packed with activities than the first. Immediately after breakfast we went on a hike to go canoeing, where by some miracle no one had tipped each other over, even when the students had to swap canoes while still in the water. Muhammed Orhan and Salim Abdulrahman were the undisputed champions, leaving everyone behind while they raced towards the finish line.

After a short break and morning tea, we battled it out in a game of ‘Life and Death’, where Mr. Baraa and Mr. Aden demolished the competition. The next activity required the students to use teamwork and proper coordination to accomplish all tasks in ‘Kangaroobie Survivor’.

Princetown Beach allowed the students to unwind and play soccer whilst also going high up on the sand dunes and go sand tobogganing. We ended the night with a campfire, roasted marshmallows, and a movie. On this day, the students were too exhausted to stay up, which allowed everyone a goods night rest.

Students started the last day by ensuring all their luggage was packed and ready to go. After breakfast we all boarded the bus and went sightseeing to the 12 Apostles. The students were prompted on their knowledge of different landscapes and landforms, as well as a brief on how the natural forces of wind and water gave the 12 Apostles their signature name and look. We all took many photos before making our way down to Thunder Cave, where the sound of water crashing through the tunnel is akin to the sound of thunder, hence the name. At this point in time, the students were visibly tired, so we made our way back to the campsite then onwards to home.

Alhamdulillah, it was an amazing experience for staff and students alike, and we do hope that everyone enjoyed themselves.