Hats Off For Book Week and Author visit

24 August 2023

Last week during our Book Week festivities, students from Year 3 to 6 were invited to create hats that represented their beloved books or favourite book characters. Evidently, from the photos of triumphant hats, the creativity and ingenuity of our students truly did shine.

Having ignited a spark of inspiration within our students’ creative spirits, we eagerly anticipate that, next year we will see an even greater array of splendid hats during Book Week.

Our Year 4 students were also fortunate to have Muslim author Amal Abou-Eid visiting their classes to read to them from her children's book "Why Does Mum Wear A Hijab?" and answer questions. Sr Amal is a passionate Australian educator with a strong connection to her Lebanese heritage. Inspired by her faith, and her wish for people to live harmoniously and without fear, Amal has turned her hand to writing. We are very grateful to Sr Amal for making time to meet with and read to our students. JazakAllah khairan.